Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The theme today is boys brushes and buses

WOW. Thanks for all the cool email regarding the class from scrapcamp. Was really nerve racking but after 11 groups sure I've got that baby down pat!! Ok so some of the comments I got were regarding boy brushes and if I had many as of course like paper and embellishments the girl theme is huge! Well am please to say that since Saturday night I have found a gazzillion bijjillion boy brushes so if you would like a few send me a comment or an email ( and I'll forward them on. Had a few email regarding actions and filters also and in all honest I love em! Will post some photos up with examples of these as well and again self taught so dont be too hard on me!

Oh yeah forgot to mention I'm in a badder mood with my sons bus driver. Son 8 bus driver 40 plus! Scenario in short .. ball in bus... driver annoyed ... bus stops ... ball belongs to son ... bus driver throws ball (literally) and boy (my son) out of the bus 1.5km from his normal bus stop by himself... refuses my other son 7 too get off with his brother thennnnnnnn waves and smiles to him as she drives off ... result two sad distraught sons and two mighty *&$#! parents. Great glad I got that off my chest. Anyway rang the school made a complaint rang the company made a complaint wrote a letter of complaint about the chucked off the bus bit! Re the ball, yip if kids are naughty and dont listen sweet tell the school tell the parents get it sorted with us in the room and son suffer consquences and/ or deal with the discipline .... drop my son off at 4.30pm that far away, in an unsafe area... I dont think so!! . So waiting now for the result however dont think she was made aware of our complaint as when son got off the bus she asked my son if he had learnt his lesson I'm thinking I would like to know if she has learnt her lesson ............ unfortunately for my son the ball was his but it was the intermediate boys throwing it around on the bus teasing him (as told by his older cousin and not his one eyed mother:) and when the driver turned he had finally just got the ball back off the bigger kids... ok lifes like that!! and yip driving that many kids would be hard! struggle just with four of them in the family car so again its the dropping the kid off bit i dont like!! well better get some work done...

Monday, May 29, 2006

Return to normality

Yeah got some sleep. Should rename the weekend sleepless scrapcamp, cause its about the only thing I didnt get a lot of. OK so some highlights for me. Well meeting some amazing people is a great start. When you kinda lurk in corners of blogspots and admire the work of some of the amazing talent, actually meeting the talent is something else.. so that rocked especially moving out of blog world and into real world!! Enjoyed the work with the tutors and the classes rocked, and so looking forward to finishing the album that Faye taught. That kinda thing is right up my alley. Plus have been thinking about a couple of albums that I'm working on at the moment, so her class gave me another angle by which to approach it. Nics class was cool and why?? Well its because after the last year have discovered that despite me buying lots and lots (did I mention lots) of product when it comes down to it I'm loving pictures, chipboard, paper and photos. I'm not so good with the rest of the embellishment world so I love the simplicity, the lines and the detail her class gave. And as for Wendy, didnt get a chance to do the actual class but got to sit with her and wathcing her work was a buzz and I found doodling rocked!! So looking forward to CC and if I could find my cord to upload my photos I'd be doing that now!! Stay posted more photos to come............
Other than that Yolande and Lianne, awesome weekend ladies!! Hats off to you both for a massive job that is and can only get bigger and Eileen way to share my love of McDonalds, chocolate, food in general and of course copius amounts of laughter and singing.. You go girl!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tuesday and I missed the point........

heres my version of the conversation... if my mother could blog it would be different but yes mum I do know your reading this so I'm gonna try and make it as true and correct as a wronged daughter can.....
" Michelle, do you write that stuff on the net"
"What stuff mum?"
"That to be pacific, thing. Whats that for?"

In my mind. umm thats rather specific detail for my mum...

"Yip mums thats my on line journal"
"What and people read it? From where"
"Anyone can but mainly just a few friends mainly...."
"Is that where Witeri was on mothers day. ?"
"yes mum, saw his aunty and he had to borrow her car to get a some sparks going"
"oa... about mothers day. you didnt put anything about me. i think you missed the point"

and you know what I think shes right.... Mum you rock and here is a list of why...

1 I am a mother of 4 yet 3 out of 7 nights I have only two
2 You continue to lend me money without to much hassle and limited word lectures
3 you love my children and spend time with them because you can and want too
4 you offer to do my house work when you see the days are long and nights are short
5 that we have tea with you and dad twice a week usually
6 that you are the same size as me so i can borrow your clothes
7 the gap that nan left when she died you have filled
8 you lent me your out of the box car for a year and i gave it back to you with heaps of kms
9 as you have common sense and are practical so too am I
10 you come to my netball games every night as you did when i was a child

Ok so thats 10 mum... its like an update of the mothers day letter i wrote you 2 years ago that ended up being three typed pages :)

See you at dinner mum......... ummmm whats for tea..


Did mothers day get better I hear you ask?? In short yes and no... because hubby came home and explained that he got a flat battery in town.... and because the day was gone and ended up having to go my mums which was lovely except her being my mum had to do the dishes and cook... so the cycle is complete!!

Got my basic grey hardware and chipboard bits today so am stoked and my hs florals should be here any day soon. looking forward to camp next week so am planning to make the most of my time then and get back into it... have even manage to get my supplies down to a minimum, in preparation for it. havent had a chance to look at the tarisota comp but if i get some time will definantly give it a go.... being unpublished and all:)

photo montage yip well washing is the theme of my life especially with six of us in the house and now my machine has died.... it aint fun........which i might add in the same week the vacumm died and now the tv has also decided to become insanely tempremental and needs to be spoken to gently and rubbed before it turns on. i did try and kick it but the response from hubby and the tv wasnt nice LOL:) haha you think but oh noooo it doesnt end there, my cell phone then became jealous of all the brokenness ( is that a word) hid itself under the washing and while trying to look for it my son stood on it and broke it!!

What else ummm....... these are the toys that my daughter puts to bed everynight, my baby running around the house with his bottle dripping on the carpet floor thinking its funny and my daughter ignoring me trying to get her to the table for brekkie while she pretends she cant hear me and carries on reading...........

I am actually a mother of 4 and you could be forgiven for thinking only 2 but my two big boys wake up at 6 and get there own lunches, breakfast, do the dishes, do more homework and have their showers when I am still opening my eyes just in time for me to take them to the bus stop at 7.30.... they are in short awesome!!! Did I mention there only 8 and 7!!

Oh yeah just found out that hubby reads everyones blog and was asking me in passing (if you please) if they had posted up Carries wedding photos yet, did I get a chance to check out Delys new LO, am I ready for camp cause its only 10 days aways (ask Lianne he rekons), and who took that photo of me eileen and yolande and chur babe (his words) that chick (again his word) Nic does some awesome LO .... what a cheek... i consider this to be like reading my diary....... now he wants to find a martial arts blogging community............. yes please so he can stay away from my blog... eitherwise he'll know how much goodies i get and that are stack in the cupboard waiting for me to slowly introduce to the house and then say..."no honey (important to add the honey bit) those arent new, I've had them for ages..."

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mothers Days so far

Every day moments........ this is my challenge to have a photoblog that post this for a one month period......... if nothing else just because I want to remember those small moments that pass so easily and the ones that have become so ingrained that we forget that life was anything more or less........ enough talking............ more photos.........
So this is mothers day..... what makes it memorable is that is it is unmemorable... i woke and feed the kids while hubby stayed in bed with a hang over then dropped my son of for to his training for tkd at 8am.... helped my sister in law write her cv, hubby made lunch it was yummy but then left tme at home with the kids and the dishes and four hours later still at home with kids dishes and now a bad mood... its not fathers day is my thinking!!!! .... the evening better get better....... will let you know..... :)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

another week gone...

well going quickly at least. Have determined that tara whitney is my photographer idol!! I so love her work so am waiting on my PS actions so I too can have photos like tara... well the action bit... pity about the actual taking of photos!

Had a busy couple of days with a noho marae with my students, a first aid course and then some contract work and to top it off a couple of fab presentations to give to Manukau DHB... fun fun fun I tell yah. Ok so my body was superfically sore after the game, the real pain occured a couple of days later after I went horseriding . Cant tell yah what possesed me in the first place to undertake two physical activity after years of dormancy but I can tell yah my bodys yelling loud and clear... get up of your a!%$

again still no scrapbooking but did get to take a class again of about 12 adults so that was cool. found it was a good way to get rid of some of the things i brought when i first started out and didnt know what my style was.... so now I'm not using them i.e poem stones, heart shaped paper clips I at least know they are being out to good use:) Have though just bought me a heap of HS florals via trade me and am now trying to think of what word to buy of the trademe letter guy... was thinking eidos the greek meaning for form but not quite ummm creating spaces... umm nope.....ummm well not sure...

Anyway wanted to also say thanks to all those you visit but also those who comment. Like Michelle have noticed I'm getting increased traffic so if your stopping in say hello honestly its what keeps me doing this!!

Some photos of my son that he like of him self which isnt often the case................... so liking the idea of tell me which one you like the best to help me in my decision making process let me know as I am gonna print one for his room. option t/left b/left t/right b/right... will draw a name from one with the most votes at the end of the week and post of some floral cause I brought a whole damn heap! .


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Ohh the pain!!

I can feel pain in parts of my body that a) I forgot I had and b) didnt know I had. Regardless I'm thinking that to be an effective GS, ones object is to get the ball in the goal... someone needed to tell the ball that because despite my many attempts, it preferred to bounce back of the ring!! So right now reserve and GK are an option for next week.... netball and me I think are past friends but like anything, for this friendship to work I will be spending quality time with the ball ,the post and the little goal circle. So our first game as a team, well back in the old days the majority of us were NZ development squad players for netball, volleyball, rowing, and tennis. Now days we prefer the company of Jim, Jack and personally Bombay however they have lead to our demise, which has lead to the numerous spare tyres that disguise themselves as our stomachs!! So tonight took a photo of myself in my uniform (arrrghh) and weight myself so I'd better have some improvement at the end of these 14weeks or by crikey Bombay and I will be snuggling up to each other for life!!

Ok cant sit here any longer, but hurts, back aches and my toes nails are sore!!

PS we are in the B grade and we won 44-27

Friday, May 05, 2006

what the hell

You know how you dream about what you might do... then you talk it up and about how good you use to be..... and how you wish you could go there again... well hit me with a stick... I'm now playing netball.... should have kept my mouth shut. Was up at the club and mentioned the old glory days where one was slim attractive and active, wishing I could play netball again reliving the old rep days and hello lots of the girls I drink with all thought the same... that was until one smart cookie decided to go ahead turn the talk into a reality and now I have to get in a skirt and throw a ball.......... oh man!! Thats so not cool.......... and really where will I find the time???...... oh man..... none to impress... it was like a long term goal... not a right lets get it on now goal... hello... never gonna drink with that women again (yes she will never be called her name again and referred to only as that women)

Other than that just putting together my bits for scrapcamp which I might add I am so looking forward too!!! SO not doing a lot of scrapbooking at the mo. I guess thats the go when you do several in a 24hours space. So need to do that again... as for tomorrow havent even been able to find a friend to scrapbook with everyone so busy...

Heres a layout I did that weekend with Yolande and Eileen but didnt complete till later. Am actually going to change it though and but the journalling above the title and a picture of the bling where the text is now... this is a paper layout but i added the text using PSE.. .. and as per usual some photos.

Found this cool action for PS that creates a frame and gets you to determine the level of the shadows and then the text so this is my fav photo at the moment of Parekotuku said as Pare-caw-too-koo (say it fast though it sounds much prettier) translated it means plume (pare) of the white heron (kotuku) and named her after my grandmother who raised me.

Top photo is of my baby Joseph who on this day had fallen asleep in the window box. No cushion on it just the hard wood and yet he slept (and looks) like an angle. Of course I moved him but took a whole heaps of photos first.

Second photo of Wiremu who has been in a bad mood most of the week because of the whether and he does blame me for it. Apparently its my fault, I'm a mum I should be able to fix everything.... kids!??!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

A great weekend had

mainly because it just flowed. My brother's partner had her 21st in the weekend ( I know your reading this Leanne) and it was lovely.. Ok I guess to some that sounds weak but in all honesty it was a lovely relaxed enjoyable evening that reflect's Leanne(stop blushing Leanne). SO heres our photos and no prizes for guessing which one is the birthday girl and yes Carol that is my brother and thanks for pointing out how spunky he is............. yuck!! But hard luck taken LOL

I guess I'm used to huge 21st ( I have something like 100+ first cousins, mum has 16 brothers and sisters and dad has 9) with speeches that go on for hours and drinking that last for days and family feud that both end and start at such occasions. This on the other hand was small intimate with three speeches and a lovely supper... Need to convince hubby that this will be the way to go with 4 kids and better still would be to have none.

So does anybody still do the big 21st thing??? I opted for the cash and household furniture and proceeded to hold my own birthday party where images of kegs, yard glasses, loud music and new friends at our Knighton road flat in Hamilton while I was at Uni. Then went home to good old Te Puke and had dinner with my family at Valentines... no yardy, little alcohol (still dont like to get drunck infront of my parents now... drunck????... maybe I've had a few to many gins this evening already.. helps when watching Desperate Housewives)....... My sister on the other hand had a hugh party that started at 5 and finished three days later and cost my parents a heap!!!
Photos of my daughter again!! Seem to be in a Parekotuku over load!! Plus this is a cool action I found for PS.... She has got attitude chronic... could that be a title me thinks

Ok heres the big cool news on tarisota after reading Nics Blog. This is cool and open to NZ... yeah for NZ... go on girls gotta have a go! Also thanks to Ngaire blog have found a blog which takes the micky out of the two peas not scrapbooking related topics. It was funny to start with and has gotten quiet out of hand but there are some humourous description of human nature.. okay better sleep.. just watched an Orlando Bloom movie so should have great dreams.. what a honey!!