Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The theme today is boys brushes and buses

WOW. Thanks for all the cool email regarding the class from scrapcamp. Was really nerve racking but after 11 groups sure I've got that baby down pat!! Ok so some of the comments I got were regarding boy brushes and if I had many as of course like paper and embellishments the girl theme is huge! Well am please to say that since Saturday night I have found a gazzillion bijjillion boy brushes so if you would like a few send me a comment or an email ( and I'll forward them on. Had a few email regarding actions and filters also and in all honest I love em! Will post some photos up with examples of these as well and again self taught so dont be too hard on me!

Oh yeah forgot to mention I'm in a badder mood with my sons bus driver. Son 8 bus driver 40 plus! Scenario in short .. ball in bus... driver annoyed ... bus stops ... ball belongs to son ... bus driver throws ball (literally) and boy (my son) out of the bus 1.5km from his normal bus stop by himself... refuses my other son 7 too get off with his brother thennnnnnnn waves and smiles to him as she drives off ... result two sad distraught sons and two mighty *&$#! parents. Great glad I got that off my chest. Anyway rang the school made a complaint rang the company made a complaint wrote a letter of complaint about the chucked off the bus bit! Re the ball, yip if kids are naughty and dont listen sweet tell the school tell the parents get it sorted with us in the room and son suffer consquences and/ or deal with the discipline .... drop my son off at 4.30pm that far away, in an unsafe area... I dont think so!! . So waiting now for the result however dont think she was made aware of our complaint as when son got off the bus she asked my son if he had learnt his lesson I'm thinking I would like to know if she has learnt her lesson ............ unfortunately for my son the ball was his but it was the intermediate boys throwing it around on the bus teasing him (as told by his older cousin and not his one eyed mother:) and when the driver turned he had finally just got the ball back off the bigger kids... ok lifes like that!! and yip driving that many kids would be hard! struggle just with four of them in the family car so again its the dropping the kid off bit i dont like!! well better get some work done...

1 comment:

Yolande said...

OMG...........GO Michelle... I would have freaked out BIG time...ok how did DH take this? wonder how you managed to calm him down enough not to want to go take out some anger on him... flip that is so bad and imagine if something did happen...we trust these people with our children..phew. catch up soon...