Monday, October 23, 2006

Sad that is over

The long weekend that is! I love hanging with the whanau, especially now that I'm off to work tomorrow in my new job as a primary healthcare manager. Will get back to you on what that actually means when I find out myself :)

Ok so had an awesome time this Saturday with Yolande and her family. So heres the story and some sneak peaks to go with...........

The weather wasnt being kind but in the end it worked out all good. I was a little nervous because as a friend whom I respect and enjoy being with, I didnt want to sux. She off course never gave off that kind of pressure it was just me and my expectations around what if my style isnt what she was looking for and what if I sux!! In the end it felt good, really good and afterwards when I took some notes and did some reflection about the shoot, came away with some seriously good grounding stuff. Yip I reflect! Everytime I do a shoot I scribble in my notebook (which will turn into a scrapbook once I'm finished with it) around what went well and what could be improved. Anything from what order to take photos in ie. water shoots last cause jeans get wet, to thinking about clothes colours and how I handle myself and the family I'm working with.
So am taking bookings in the BOP area and am avalaible weekend and most afternoons which with the summer months are looking good, especially with those reflections and have just posted out some info for those who have requested it :) Re my prices , a session for up to five people is $100.00 with travel cost if outside the Te Puke area. Sessions are from 1 1/2 to 2 hours, we have heaps of fun, cause thats the kinda atmosphere I love especially for families and you have up to 30 photos to look at :)

As for scrapbooking, as a reminder be gentle on me Yolande, its my first time for the SO online class. So go here where the uber cool people will be this Friday. Order my first kit to from SO so looking forward to that. Also I have a new love. Clear stamps.. OMG why did it take me so long to know... but I soooooooo want these and these and heaps more but I dont think its gonna happen yet... soon but not yet.........

And family wise, wow flippa ball rocks. My family ie my sister, mum, dad and me have always been competitive, not so good with the social thing if it means not winning. And given I like fun, being competitive doesnt translate into me getting a personality transplant and turning into a crazed monster! But mate are some parents clowns. If I was the ref I would have told them to leave or shut the hell up! Man they were terrible if not to other children then to their own. My 8yr loved it and we loved it cause its a sport he choose to do without his so very talented brother being involved. Its something just especially for him. But boy the thrill of it is amazing... bring on summer!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Im so tired

Nothing like a new job to hurry all the things you meant to do over the past four months and havent!! Mate theres heaps and I'm to bugger to care .
Did my first kohanga shot to day and have got another couple of the next week but man was it amazing and hard work!! Did a bit of a special deal for the kohanga cause wanted to use the opportunity to help me perfect a couple of techniques so just a few photos of the poor children (there was 19 of them) who had to under go the trauma that was me!!
Hopefully the parent will like them as I think its a little different to the standard photos we get from the school photos, but may not be the parents style at all .... ugghhhh now I'm scared... oh well so tired I'm gonna knock myself out with self so it wont keep my up, maybe tomorrow night it will

Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday 15th October

Woah were did the weekend go. Not much of anything to report had a quiet one I think??? Enjoyed my night on Friday at Bookem and managed to do some layouts instead of just talking and getting nothing done. Saturday went out to dinner with DH at the local rugby club here and had an early night though DH got in much much later:) Was suppose to go out on the waka ama on Sunday but it was too choppy so I opted out cause it can be pretty rough and I was in the scrapbooking zone. hehe.

Havent been to many blogs this weekend either cause I have exceeded my usuage on boradband so I have to wait till tomorrow till I'm full speed and then I'm a go again. How do you handle the dial up thing, its driving me nuts!!

So some layouts to share...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday 13th September

Just wanted to say thanks to all those who a) visit and b) comment. Love that you do that and just to support that it what makes me blog, honest, I love the audience:) So my new challenge is to comment on at least 80% of the blogs I visit. Thats scary I tell yah becuz I visit heaps but I like that feeling so I'm gonna give it back...
Ok to start with cause Janine has done it on her site, here are some of
My favourite things
1 Cream Paua made by my mum
2 Laying in the summer sun reading a good book
3 Being unexpectly served a triple gin lime and lemondae while reading my book
4 Morning cuddles from my kids (only if I'm awake already)
5 Sitting in a spa on a star lit night
6 Having a spotless house
7 Listening to music from my high school and uni days
8 Being at the marae with whanau
9 Watching my children swim at the beach with a picnic
10 Kicking back with hubby when the kids are asleep
Some other "unusual" things about me (your only getting 10 )
1 Last time I cried was in 1999 about my nan (she died in 98) and before that 1984 when I
was 9yrs old in hospital
2 I eat my KFC on a plate
3 I am terrified of birds
4 I kill at least 2 birds a week while I am driving (its weird)
5 I am the best person I know at guessing story lines in movies and tv. It amazes hubby even
6 I like reading outloud to my hubby when hes driving on long trips
7 I have my showers or bath at night with no light on (nice and peaceful)
8 I vaccum my floors 3 or 4 times a day
9 I dont watch horror movies. Last one I watched was in 1989 called hell raiser and thats only becoz my cousins pinned me and held eyelids up!!! LOL
10 My mother doesnt like me drinking front of her. Doesnt mind my bro or sis just not me??!?!?!
Yip thats enough. Plus cant think of to many more
Also been thinking about my scrapbooking and to date its all the good stuff and if you looked at my pages, albums, life looks pretty damn sweet. So thinking on this decided I'm gonna do some of the not so sweet stuff. As life has it, had my share of blows in life and love for that matter so am looking at putting some of that down... not sure what it looks like but going to give it ago.... its been inspired some part by the new ad on tv encourging kids to stay in school and has these ghostly images of kaumatua (older person) while the schools are in class, walking home in the hallways and doing poi but the message at the end which I can remember right now prompted me to think about my past and I think the one of the greatest things I can share with my kids, later when it comes up, its the hard stuff and the hurt stuff. So ummmm gonna think on that! Am off to Bookem tonight for a midnight scrap so looking forward to that as well.
Ok and to answer Sandra I will now be working for Poutiri Trust based in Te Puke but has 20 providers across New Zealand. So I'll be managing the Primary Care Sector..... I start 24th October and am doing my photography in the weekends until it might one day become full time:) Oh well better get some work done

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Damn I'm employed again......

but yeah at least its in time for Christmas. So have decided to bite the bullet and am going back to work, after 4 glorious months of being a SAHM to my 4 awesome kids. Honestly I know it is hard and that being a SAHM is under rated, but hands down it beats the shit out of having to deal with stinky adults, firing and discplining staff, managing egos and political agenda and writing and researching reports :) So start the Monday after Labour weekend and managed to negoiate myself what I think to be a sweet deal where I get to work from Te Puke (not at home but at the offices) and only have to travel 2 days a week to Rotorua. Initially it was full time in Rotorua but loved it when the ball is in my court.

Upside also is that I can again becoming a consumer of products. I do it so well and looking forward to Lisa site going up also. Still struglling with that dame altered project, I think I need a mentor??#&*! Me and altered projects are not the go. So anybody running DT with just layouts... any body???

Lastly, yesterday was a historically moment for many of the whanau of Maketu. Yesterday I had the privilege to travel with Ngati Whakaue as I was asked to document what had in essence been a journey of over 50 years. In Maketu we have the Marae Whakaue and its trusteeship is unusual as the trustee were court appointed and were members of the Te Arawa Maori Trust Board based in Rotorua. Ok so there are issues, heaps and finally yesterday trusteeship was disolved from the trust board and handed to "some" of the whanau who have over the years acually been responsible for the marae and its running. This was the 3rd attempt and twice it was suspended due to individual submissions which lengthened and delayed the process. After all 50 years is a lot of maori mens life time and so was pleased that many of our elders were there. Finished? Kao. Momentous? absolutely and am stoked that I was to be there.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Just some photos to share

Had an awesome time with this whanau and was stoked to be asked to record a generation of 4 women (well 3 and a girl) so to this as part of my "product line I am putting together a 1 pager on each women and then making a stylish book. So should be intersting hopefully successful. Noted of course are the men folk, they saw they women having fun and wanted to join in. To be honest this shoot was scary. Why because of the kuia in the photos. See my nan was grumpy, real grumpy, yelled at the photographer waved her tokotoko (stick) at him and he took it, and just smiled at her.... and as a reult he passed the test and she went from crabby to angelic. I was afraid of the same thing. But no this kuia was lovely from the start. We had orginally intended to go to the beach but it was too cold so we stayed at the house. So improvising is my next skill and Delys yip I will be prepared!

Made some cards for my sons today. They have been away the whole week so was missing them and made them a card, telling them how much I missed them. It was cool and more so when they both took them and said they would look after them for life (that should be at least 2 days)! Was gonna post it but cant be flagged going to get my camera from the lounge! Will do that Wednesday.

Also have been scrapping and am soooo struggling with the altered project! I'm more of a layout girl I think! So have done the layouts for both Scrapbooking by Design and Scrapbook Essential but &$*@# to the projects. I need a design theory in my head so it looks right to me...... oh well ... might put up some sneak previews instead (can I do that)

Finally on beta blogger adn I'm liking it. Took them long enough to ask me:) So am having a tutu but love the label function and the ease of use. Now to get my counter back and my old vid clip... help!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

October 3rd ......already

The date....Thats scary... the kinda scary that tells you Xmas is coming and you've only just gotten over last Christmas.
Am in a good mood, did the Moke Whanau on Sunday at the Beach and was pleased with how it went. It was good meeting someone elses kid and trying to figure out how to connect with them, especially when there arent related. But hey humans come in all sizes and as a general rule find these size humans not to bad:) So some photos to share from that photo shoot. So loving the grunge look at the moment, especially with mum and son against the orange wall and the one with mum in the chair and having the sea as a backdrop!
Also big shout out to the newly selected Up2Scrap ET! Awesome ladies and looking forward to being inspired by you guys................ and and to tautoko Yolande, way to go NZ Scrapbooking!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Story Boards I tried to load.......

Like tried a hundred times with blogger on my last post gave up and just did a new post! Busy weekend. Had people over so I didnt get to participate in the Queen competition as I would have liked to so bummed over that. Permanent note to self... dont have people over during cyber crops to much to do and to much fun to miss out on :)
Gray Anatomy update go here for some lovely juicy bits but dont go ther if you are wanting to be surprised for next season... its a catch 22 thing i know :) And go here to check out the new stuff and KS
I'm out