Friday, October 20, 2006

Im so tired

Nothing like a new job to hurry all the things you meant to do over the past four months and havent!! Mate theres heaps and I'm to bugger to care .
Did my first kohanga shot to day and have got another couple of the next week but man was it amazing and hard work!! Did a bit of a special deal for the kohanga cause wanted to use the opportunity to help me perfect a couple of techniques so just a few photos of the poor children (there was 19 of them) who had to under go the trauma that was me!!
Hopefully the parent will like them as I think its a little different to the standard photos we get from the school photos, but may not be the parents style at all .... ugghhhh now I'm scared... oh well so tired I'm gonna knock myself out with self so it wont keep my up, maybe tomorrow night it will


Anonymous said...

oh am loving those photos and I agree much better than the stock standard ones we had at kindy and school. I think outside shots look better myself. Love how you have use the tree in the background. Gosh those kids look cute.

Penny said...

ya know what? They are so much more interesting than the bog standard ones! I'd be handing over my money happily!

Ilka said...

Just love the photos you've taken! I am sure so will most parents. They say so much more than your usual kindy/school photo.

Anonymous said...

Love the bark background ... much more attractive than the standard *blue curtain*
Congrats on the Kohanga job.

Anonymous said...

Well I think these photos are brilliant ... if the parents dont like them they are mad!

Just do it!

Unknown said...

Who wouldn't like them they look great. You know Whakatane is not that far away I think you should come down and do the kindy photos here.

Mel said...

Wish you'd done the kindy photos for my kids - the "professional" photographer they always used (a kindy Mum who had a photography business) were always crap.

Hannah said...

As the mum of a Kindy kid, I would definitely prefer that kind of photo!! The standard ones are pretty boring, and I would definitely pay for a great photo like that!!