Monday, November 20, 2006

Its been that long???

Since I last blog. How embarrasing :) Ok am at work so will keep it short and upload some layout later since I'm at work... so heres goes
1) went back tot he coast one week later!! Another long drive but this time to Waipiro Bay. My dad said we were from there but failed to mention we are FROM there. Walk into the wharenui and am surrounded by my ancestors hanging from the walls with there names of which was Wiremu kururangi the first and second, my dad being the third adn my son being the 4th. So he got a buzz. was overwhelmed and even missed the fact that my grandfathers photo was hanging there, in which case had I seen it earlier I would have parked my family under his photo. So had a bit of a word with dad re that, because it took me off guard and I wasnt quiet prepared to see the many version of my physical features :). So off course had more opportunities to take more photos!
2) Scrapcamp was awesome. Reading Karen Ridgeways blog one can appreciate that life presents us with difficulites that leave us in situation where we are best to be at home. However there is also a process around managing one commitments and communication is important. There was none of that and to say that you have a class prepared and someone else is delivering assumes you have done exactly that. This was not the case, as there was no class, just two organisers out of pocket and stressed waiting for instructions to a class that never arrived. So my shout out to Yolande and Liane who managed the weekend successfully given the circumstances that they were put under!! it was for all accounts a successful weekend (and yes there are always those whop are going to moan and those who are actually going to provide constructive feedback NOTE there is a difference) and the New Zealand talent is still amazing so a big thanks to Faye and Nic. There we're 2 classes and 2 challenge packs where as in previous years there were 3 classes. By default I enjoyed the pace of this weekend. There was opportunity to do your own work, meet blogging mates and buy... which of course did fully... last 2 camps I was blown off my feet and didnt get as much as I wanted to do, stuck to my own table so to mingle was great all round :)
3) work is going well, and being mobile is testing my management skills a little but thank goodness for technology :)
well so much for quick. Also was awesome to meet all the forum friends and blogging crew, nothing like kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) and seeing their talent in action is awesome too :) ok LO photos later


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time Michele. Good to hear that work is going well too. Awesome stuff about the trip back up the coast too.

Sandra said...

Was good to spend time with you Michelle. You're layouts rock even without photos!!!

lianne said...

Hey Michelle. It went well didn't it. Thanks for all your help and support. Awesome job on the Photoshop demo. Interesting about your trip back home.

Penny said...

Glad scrapcamp turned out well despite the hitch!

Ilka said...

Heya Michelle, was great to meet you and see your work irl, very impressive! Thanks also for taking a pic of our group!

Marieke said...

Flip Michelle! I haven't visited your blog since like, oh... I guess shortly after the last Scrap Camp. Your photography is just going from strenght to strenght! You are awesome girl, I am blown away!
Your trip(s) back up the coast sound interesting. The family/whanau thing, it just draws you in doesn't it.

Delys said...

yay Ive figured it out how to post! My Dad was born in waipiro bay and lived in Te Puea Springs. awesome that you could see your whanau and history up on the walls.
Thanks for the photoshop cd and tutorial it looks like a lot of fun!!

Steph said...

Hi Michelle it was great to meet you at camp. Thanks for the Adobe workshops, I've had a great time playing. (when I finally got them loaded right :-))

Anonymous said...

Gee its a small world ... as Delys said Dad was born on the East Coast. Grandad was the County Clerk there, so all your older folk in the 40's and 50's would have known the Morgans. Ray and Nancy Morgan are our grandparents. Dad use to say they rode horses to school and the Maori kids used to beat him up cause his horse was fast! They played rugby in bare feet and jumped in cow shit to keep their feet warm!

Hannah said...

Sounds like you had a great time down the coast meeting your ancestors, and a brilliant time at scrap camp. I'm hoping tome to camp next year, it sounds like a lot of fun!