Just enjoying the warm days
Ok scrapbooking is good for marriage! The TV goes off I go into the room and scrapbook and hubby sits on the bed and talks to me or does his drawings (he designs ta moko & tats) we talk we comment on each others work and its great. No more mind numbing wathcing tv with the occassional grunt so in essence scrapbooking rocks!
Have slowly but surely been getting through my cc06 kits with slowly probably being a more accurate description. So completed wendys class and really enjoyed the doodling but will have to practice some more. Also got my Rhonna Ferrer Stamps and they are awesome. Didnt get the ones as per my previous stamps but instead some cool doodle swirls. Now all I need is a block to mount them on so I can use them as well as the ones from CC
On the job front, didnt get it after all that and they are going to re advertise. The process was really worth it and I got feedback which now gives me a chance to improve for next time :) Ok off to do some more scrapbooking!
Bummer about the job; something will come up though I'm sure. Everytime I've missed out on a job it's been for the best, so I hope you find that too.
It's great you and DH can be in the same creative space :)
Lovely layouts- love that you and hubby share that quiet time.
Condolences about the job but I always believe that if it's meant to be it's meant to be. Something will be around the corner.
Nice to be able to share creative space and give each other feedback on your ideas.
Enjoy the break from contract work ... and it sounds as if they were positive about spin-offs .. something better will come along.
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