Photos from Camp
Ok am shocked that I didnt take as many photos as I thought I did. Not my usual style usual I take heaps. I didnt even take a photo of the venue which for me is strange... oh well its only 20mins away could take a photo later of the sign... any some photos to enjoy and hope they look ok on your screen cause my monitors dying and I cant see the colors properly..........aaarghh!! some more on the way tomorrow.... now when shall I sleep???
Nice photo of Yolande with the microphone!! Might have to email you for some copies please :)
I was too busy scrapping to take photos, well I took a few, but like you, surprised at how few!!
Love your photos and so wish I had been there. But I did pop inot Kiwiscraps today and Mary gave me my CC2006 tickets -yippee!
Very, Very Cool photos and love the way you've laid them out. Awesome. Same - I didn't take very many either and wished I'd take some of the venue.
OK now please...I think "I" need to police these photos....OMG. I don't even remember you taking that photo...what the... the rest are cool though. Will catch up to get me some copies too.
cool photos Michelle! OMG I have just read your post about the bus driver! Hope she gets wrapped over the knuckles for that ...totally irresponsible to let a 7 and 8 year old off the bus that far from home! Its not like there are sidewalks to walk home on either...busy 100km road too! What a pillock she is!
Great photos :) That pile of chocolate does something for me - heh heh!
What great shots you've captured. Really reminded me of everything from the weekend. Awesome.
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