Monday, April 24, 2006

Creativity Overflow

As per last post these are the photos for the hugh amount of space we occupied without a care


Yolande said...

what a mess you guys made!!! But I liked "creating" in your mess. Thanks again

Rach H said...

Michelle looked like a lot of FUN!!
hey just reading some of your other blog entries + especially your bitrh ones!!!
your son was born 2 days after mine. So I bet your days are filled with a cheeky 16mth old who's into everything??!!! boy has just started walking!!
looking forward to your class at scrap camp.

Kirsty said...

What a great wknd you Yolande & Eileen had. Sounds wonderful. I thought you meant you scrapped on til 7am in morning after the girls went to bed at 3.30am - and thought thats gotta be a serious scrapper! But after re-reading it I decided you meant you continued scrapping thru til 7pm on Sunday night after the girls went home? lol!!! With all the food & talking you all still got an amazing amount done.

Looking fwd to meeting you at ScrapCamp - & can't wait to learn some stuff on those brushes.

lianne said...

Wow you did get some work done. Sounds like you had a fantastic time. Cool layouts Michelle.

Delys said...

Wow sounds like you three had a blast! WTG!