I miss him so...
as this is so the longest time I have been away from him. Its as though my view of the world has gone askew with no small frame which to explore it through........... I await your return and pray you come home safely to me my dscf 717 sony camera................. (funny yes... seriously h** yes!)
Did the Jenny McQuire Designing with fabric class with Yolande in the weekend and at the time determine that it wasnt quite my thing, what ever my thing is?? I mean making the pleats that was a mission, having the threads from the swatches stick to you, that was annoying and overall was thinking nah! But then it all comes together and looks amazing, so have in my mind a specific LO i would like to do. PS Whakatane Ladies miss you guys.. the crop is so quiet without you all!! Anyway there is a small story that goes with my LO I have in mind with the fabric so lets digress.....
1975 Born with a hole in the heart I was always going to be a high need kids. My parents had two other children and had to work cause treatment at greenlane was expensive. not so much the treatment but the travelling and time away from work..... rewind a bit... 1972 my grandfather dies ... fast forward ... I'm the closest grandchild born after my grandfather dies... result my grandmother becomes a intricate part of my life and I hers... fast forward... nan stays with my parents every night drops me of to primary school stays at her house in town picks me up after school........ fast forward... i attend the only intermediate school 10 mins from her house... Fast forward... pretty much live with her the remaining of her life (give or take Uni)... fast forward... she dies... I am not there when we got through the house to sort out her belongings but end up with all her old dresses.... what am I suppose to do with those!!??!! they are the dresses I saw her in every day and yip they remind me of her in the smallest and quietest of ways............. revelation.......... designing with fabric.......
So yip cutting them up, even though that feels really really wrong but think an album of sorts to go with a mixture of photos i have with those exact dresses... work in progress i think.
Anyway.. congrats to Yolande for getting Keishas Coasters I'm so disgustingly jealous... so can I come play! Xtra has a great summer photo competition and does anyone know anything more about the The Scrapbook Outlet DT. Thought I start with the 10 fav layouts so heres the first two. This one was one of my first and completed it at ScrapCamp with Lianne and Yolande last year. Why I love it?? cause I thought I was so clever using the different fonts to describe her (if i did it again i would ink the edges put them on chipboards and sand them!) and its a great photo of her lovely lips and eyes plus the papers at the time matched. it was also the first time I'd used staples and the tags
This sums up my darling baby boy and again was pleased to find alternative cost saving ways to do lettering using the stamps and made the pocket my own self with journal on the card. He is nine months in this photo and I completed it in September 05 so was stoked that this new found hobby was lasting as often in my case they are short lived ........I bore quickly...
Ok thats about it another two in a couple of days me thinks....
Sounds like an interesting album Michelle. Maybe you could save some scraps and make a wall hanging/quilt type thing as well.
What an awesome way to use those dresses - it's great. My Mum did a layout of her sister (who died a couple of years ago) using fabric she cut from the seams of my aunt's wedding dress. The page will last a lot longer than the dress will. Good on you.
I love that idea of using the dresses on some pages...it will make them so special and enhance your memories in years to come. Love it. Can't wait to see.
So you were inspired by the Fabric class afterall ;)
Excellent idea to use fabric that already has memories to enhance your pages.
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