Wednesday, February 08, 2006

SPT... as in Thursday

Had a chance to take photos of my kids at Baywave, which by the way was okay, was stuffy and crowded but determine I'm a beach outdoor kinda swimming person... anyway after having a tutu with photo shop and colour balances am practicing my Keisha skills.

Well this photo was taken by my son again and whilst it was fuzzy it gave me a good chance to practice making the most of a fuzzy shot. At the moment I'm tired so much so that I fell asleep at the wheel yesterday so every LTSA ad on sleeping and driving rushed to my head. Pulled over about 10 mins from my house and rested. Had to otherwise wouldnt have made it home, or prevented someone else from getting home so decided that was the best course of action. So here I am exhausted but thankfully rested.


Delys said...

You did the right thing pulling over girl! Its a bit scary aye...I have had that happen to me on several occasions coming back from Tauranga. Maybe cos you know the road so well too! GO TO BED EARLY MICHELLE!
Love what you have done in photoshop..just awesome! Love your boys LO and yours too. Good on you letting them have a go! are you going on Saturday?

Michelle said...

Am I going on saturday... H*ll yes and cant wait... been so long...