Tuesday, January 24, 2006

SPT Week 2

I can honestly tell you, until this becomes habitual the reminder of having a photo on a Tuesday lingers on my mind on the Saturday before. I think about cheating and just pulling out an old photo and just 'amping' it up a bit, I think about what the photo might look like and how best to avoid it...... until I arrive full circle and physically pass my camera to someone to take the damn thing. Okay so that all sounds a little bit OTT but again until this becomes habitual then this is the emotional equalivancy of a nervous sweat. Engari, once the photos taken I'm stoked as hello I'm in a photo and proceed to wish I had more taken years ago when I was smaller, younger, skinnier oh did I mention skinnier and younger.... My cousin Pare took this photo of me and my own little "cheeky darky" (thanks Paul Holmes), Joseph (13mths) at Aunty Ngaires Birthday in Maketu in the weekend.


Delys said...

gorgeous photo Michelle!I am amazed how quickly these Tuesdays come around!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle - I'm out of lurkdom! thanks :)
Did you notice that the February SPT theme is all about accepting yourself and loving the 'ugly bits' ... we may yet be photographing our faults as Delys suggested!! (And it's not the sort of thing we're used to in our postive-thoughts-only-please world!!)

Michelle said...

Your joking!! The bits we dont like ummmm not sure thats suitable for blogication:) Will definantely stick with the SPT as getting the swing of it and progress accordingly!

Delys said...

It doesnt have to be about your body though does it ..it can be about how lazy/manic you are... or your bad habits! Go for it!