Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Oh pretty baby

I wanna hold you tight
Oh pretty baby wont you say your mine
my pretty baby............ my canon 30d baby .... oh pretty baby

Got me a new camera and a couple fat lens and I should be in debt for about a year!! aargh... so yip being my own santa claus is a sure way of being truelly happy. Not that hubby wasnt great this year... infact considering I didnt give him any money (by accident I might add) he did manage to pull of a beauty and I have a new bed spread ( i love linen) which he said he choose because it was inspired by scrapbooking!! Good man :) I'd post a picture but not having much fun in that department of late... anyway back to my new camera!!

Its a canon 30d and it rock. The colour is amazing and though it took me a while to get there and not look at the sony one, we got there and I love it! Habe got a couple of great outdoor and potrait lenses and had a phoot shot today and have another 2 tomorrow so am doing a bit of a crash course in how to operate my new beast. With my Sony, I could move through it like a charm and do miss it. Especially for the fact that I didnt have lenses. But now that I do, have to slow my thought process down to accomodate the new thinking :)

Christmas here has rocked!! Its been relaxing and enjoyable all round. Almost the opposite of last year! Had a morning breakfast at home with friends then lunch with my parents, cruised around to some of the other whanau in Maketu and then went back to my parents for tea and then out cold. But sadly there are no photos of the day because I didnt buy the new camera until boxing day ( not counting my husband cell photo camera which doesnt count that much but who knows).

Am back at work and tryingn to find my mojo.. actually my mojo still there more that anything trying to find time.. so much I would like to do just need to do it :)

Ok will try again to post some photos......... still no luck.. what the &*$^#


Anonymous said...

had a smile on my face reading your wee song about your new baby!! Have fun with that baby Michelle!! Sounds like hubby is onto it colourwise!!

Penny said...

Happy snapping!

Mel said...

Hope you figure out how to put photos up soon. Envious of your new camera. It's an awesome one. You'll love it in a month when you've had time to play!

Anonymous said...

wow! i can't wait to see what you do with your new canon, if your photos hasn't been amazing enough!!! i have a canon 30d too, still learning.

Lara said...

I want one!!! Will have to make do though! Enjoy making it talk to you :-)