Sunday, September 10, 2006


Spent today at the pools with my son as he had a friend over so we ended up at Baywaves and then McDees. While taking photos of my son a life guard approached me and then asked me to sign a photographers release form that said i would not use the photos for commerical use and only take photo of my own children (which I was anyway) ... never had that before:)

The watched rugby, drunk copius amounts of vodka and then fell asleep. Thats about it in a nutshell


Lynda said...

Wow, they must have had some trouble with photographers there. I drank too much vodka last night too - pacing myself tonight :-)

Sandra said...

Guess they can have allsorts taking photos for not necessarily good reasons. What is this world we live in coming too. Enjoying your regular posts.

Penny said...

Hmmm... it's sad they have had to do that. Some scungy people out there :(