Saturday, February 18, 2006

Did I mention that I love.......

photoshop brushes.... may be in passing like in every blog I put up, but yip am again constantly amazed at how this continues to contribute to my scrapbooking. Anyway wanted to share this.

Whilst laying in bed with my one year old, Joseph, impatiently trying to put him to sleep my mind wandered back to the Scrapcamp held with Yolande and Lianne June 2005 at Finlay Park. Wandering wandering.... came to think about the People and Places class held with Nic Howard and remembered the OHT we'd used. So tap my son on the back faster and a little harder to encourage sleeping (does that actually work) I then jump on Adobe and create my own full set of OHT using the brushes and damn do my OHT look good. Adobe gives you the freedom of the page that MS Publisher or MS Word doesnt. So open up a new A4 page, fill it with brushes of different colours and opacity and walah! Funky OHTs.

Now text is a little different as I seem to have more control but in MS Word but all good because once the OHT is printed, I do my text back in MS Word and then feed the transperancy back through. Honestly they are awesome and I have decided that no one else on earth has done this and that I am the first! (yeah right) but okay just wanted to share my joy with you all... Here is the OHT that I did for a page with my mum and baby brother Anaru. So imagine if you will journalling over top of this OHT and thats pretty much what mine looks like. Hint dont forget to paint the background using inks if using on PP. In a bit of a scrapbook frenzy so will keep moving. Today completed a double 12x12 LO which I havent done in a while so onwards and upwards.....


Yolande said...

Very cool Michelle. Might need to invite you over again so i can get going again. I love what ya did!Very cool!

Anonymous said...

You are so funny and very clever - what innovation!! Great idea to layer your brushes and text onto a transparency - gives the finished product some depth. (I must find out how to print transparencies on my printer so I can add that flexibility ... so far I use transparencies only for handwritten journalling!)