Saturday, January 21, 2006

When I grow up I wanna be......

A scrapbook store owner and a photographer... ok so have been on the look out for a photography course for a while but has been difficult living in rural NZ (actually I'm not that rural it just sounds good..) . Have spent many hours browsing through major city website and community classes and they are so all over the place except for where I live. So it is with great enthusiam that I found the Tauranga Photographic Society and a Studio called Gallery 1.... yeah am going to take classes.......... I've got a pretty wicked camera (* note to self scrap a page on my camera) so need to learn how to use it... am so excited!! So if you living in Tauranga/ Te Puke the course starts in March and theres even an on line option and cost between 80.00 to a 100.00 bucks. This is a favourite photo of my dad and I before I couldnt explain why I loved it. Now I know... its the 'catchlight' technique, with the reflection of the light in his eyes. I feel, even if it is but for a moment, that I can see the world through my fathers eyes.. so am now going to work on catchlights.... I wanna be a photographer and find that place where I might see the world through the eyes of my children....
PS My dad doesnt like this photos... I think its because of the wrinkles...

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